Drink up…It’s summertime!
We are all guilty of neglecting our water intake – here is a quick article to serve as a reminder of the benefits and feel goods you will experience if you hit your hydration goals (they didn’t even mention how great your skin will look and feel!). We all want to enjoy the warm and relaxing summer days, but we still need to be aware of our water intake to feel our best! Happy Summer Everyone!
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Bring on 2017!!
Warmest Wishes for a safe and happy holiday season! May your 2017 be filled with love, health and happiness. A huge thank you to my awesome patients who, with their loyalty and support let me continue to do what I truly love to do! Cheers to a fantastic 2017!
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Winter Blues
Let’s face it – the dark, cold days of winter are a major energy zapper! It’s important to be conscious of this energy shift and keep on top of it if it starts plunging downward. Diet, exercise and self-care are key right now so you can glide through winter with ease!
I’ve attached an article on using massage (and different massage techniques) to help boost energy – it’s worth a look and hopefully these tips will give you a pick me up when you need it!
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Lazy days of Summer
Well….maybe not. For me, summer is filled with appointments related to summer warrior injuries and aliments! Our winter hibernation is long and our summers short and we can’t wait to throw ourselves into our activities to make the most of longer days and warmer temperatures.
Planning ahead and preparing yourself before your first round of golf (go to the driving range a few times), baseball game (play catch in the yard before your first game) or ski around the lake (stretch those arms and legs!). These simple preparations will help prevent injuries and days of protesting muscles. Plan ahead, prepare yourself and warm up to summer activities to ensure you are able to enjoy your summer to it’s fullest!
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Happy Days!!

Body Worlds ~ Check it out!
I was fortunate to attend a learning day at the Body World Vital exhibition at the Telus Spark Centre.
The exhibition includes real human bodies that have been donated to science and undergone a plastination process that preserves the bones, muscle, nerves and vessel in incredible detail. The bodies are displayed in dynamic poses that make the connection between body and movement.
This proved to be a wonderful opportunity to see a diverse array of different types of bodies in all ages and stages of life in such a respectable and tasteful way. I was able to witness human development, numerous disease processes and many medical interventions (such as prosthetics) that I encounter on a daily basis.
I’m so very grateful for the individuals who donated their bodies for the purpose of education and research to ensure we all have the opportunity to learn and witness first hand how awesome our bodies really are.
Exhibit closes May 31st, 2016 ~ don’t miss it!

Expecting in 2016?
Is 2016 the year of new additions and beginnings for you? I’ve attached an excellent article from the American Pregnancy Association summarizing benefits of massage during pregnancy.
I’ve witnessed firsthand the importance of using massage to prepare your body for the journey of childbirth and the ergonomic stressors that present themselves after your baby has arrived. Massage is a safe and beneficial practice to incorporate during your pregnancy but it’s important to you attend with a Registered Massage Therapist who is trained in Prenatal Massage. Depending on your stage of pregnancy minor treatment adjustments need to be made to ensure a safe and effective massage so you reap maximum benefit.
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Work Area Analysis
I treat many people that suffer from chronic shoulder, neck and back strain that is aggravated by improper positioning at work. While they experience temporary relief from their symptoms after a treatment, returning to work in an unhealthy work station is counterproductive.
Think of how many hours you spend a week at your work space. Have you ever considered the impact your work day has on your body? Is your work space set up properly to decrease the risk of injury and strain? You’ll be surprised that even the smallest adjustments can make a huge impact on your short and long term health.
I’ve attached a quick link from an Ergonomic Consultancy Firm, Ergonomics Plus, that shares some good tips and reminders for a basic work space assessment and set up. Have a look, make some changes and see what better positioning and posture will do for you!
Photo Credit: Back Care

Happy Holidays!
Merriest Christmas Wishes and may 2016 bring you happiness, health and memories to cherish.
My heart is full of gratitude for all the encouragement and support this year – you’ve helped make my dream a reality!
Have a safe and happy holiday!
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Benefits of Stretching
Stretching is a natural response – we feel our muscles are tight, we move around and we stretch = we feel relief.
Aside from leaving you feeling good stretching:
- Increases your flexibility and range of motion
- Improves Posture and body awareness (decreasing your chance of repetitive strain injuries/issues)
- Increases Circulation
- Helps relieve stress
Many patients I see experience areas that they chronically hold tension in certain muscles. I try to emphasize the importance of stretching these areas on a regular basis as a preventive measure rather than stretching on a reactive basis (when these areas have already flared up). Stretching these problem areas on a regular basis increases body awareness so they can react to slight signals from the body and alleviate the issue before it becomes a problem. The result is less flare ups, increased mobility and improved tissue health (Win- Win!)
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How Massage Helps you Heal
I’ve posted an excellent article and video clip from CBC regarding the role massage plays in decreasing pain, speeding up muscle healing and maintaining healthy tissue. It’s wonderful to have scientific evidence and results to back up what I see with my patients on a daily basis….this stuff really works!
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