Benefits of Stretching

Benefits of Stretching

Stretching is a natural response – we feel our muscles are tight, we move around and we stretch = we feel relief. Aside from leaving you feeling good stretching: Increases your flexibility and range of motion Improves Posture and body awareness (decreasing your...
Benefits of Stretching

Making a fresh start

Lethbridge is in full fall splendor right now  and we are all enjoying warm days, cool nights and fantastic colors.  With the change of the season also comes a change of pace, summer is now long past and we are finding our stride in our new schedules; be it school,...
Benefits of Stretching

I didn’t know Massage Therapy could help that?!

When you mention Massage Therapy, many people think of a spa atmosphere, where you lie with warm fluffy towels, cucumbers on your eyes while nature sounds are softly played in the background. Over the past decade, massage therapy has evolved into much more than...